Neils Web Pages 2000 - 2007 - General Section SummaryNeils Web PagesNeils Web Pages 2000 - 2007

About The General Paragraph Shown on Each Section's Summary Pages
Throughout this web site, each of the main section summary pages contain a paragraph that summarises the information shown on this page. The paragraph is in a 'collapsed' state by default (not visible) but can be displayed by clicking either on the General Information title bar or by clicking on the text link below the section. If you do not have javascript enabled the paragraph will be shown in full.

Use of Javascript

This site does use a fair bit of javascript, however the site should be viewable without it being enabled. Obviously some sections (e.g., The javascript section) will not be displayed as intended.
So if you can, please enable javascript at least whilst viewing this site.


  • Hopefully the Menuing system should be self explanatory, see below for more about this.
  • Providing you have allowed javascript a Double (left) Mouse Click anywhere on the pages will take you back to the top (except when over hyperlinks).
  • Otherwise click on the up arrow button(s) Go to the Top of the Page at the foot of each page to return to the top.

Google Search

On all Section Summary Pages and most others especially in the Resource Web area, I have included a Google Applet to search this site or the w.w.w, this is for your convenience and further research (and not because I want you to go elsewhere!).

Links in a New Window

Also on some the pages, e.g. 'Links' pages, where there are multiple links to external sites, there is an option to open these links in a new window should you choose, this is so you can stay with me. The option when checked will persist for the duration of the browser session, so uncheck the option box before leaving the page if you don't wish the facility to remain active.

Link Display

Most Links to other information or places, both internally and externally, have normally been abbreviated to reduce space, e.g., (Another Site) and therefore not necessarily show the full URL, (e.g., However they should still take you to the correct location.
If this is not the case please let me know so I can update or repair the link as necessary.

Image Display

  • Most thumbnail sized photographs can be enlarged by clicking on the picture.
  • The enlargement will be displayed on the same page, with a dimmed background.
  • Clicking anywhere on the enlargement will return you to the thumbnail view.
  • If the enlargement is bigger than the window you are are displaying the web site in, an option will be automatically be displayed to allow the image to be fully expanded so you can scroll around it.
  • If you do not have javascript enabled then the image will be displayed on a new page. You will have to use the back arrow on your browser to return to the original page.

More about the Menuing System

The pages of this web originally had a javascript menuing system (created using AllWebMenu). It looked good (at least I thought so) but it got slower and slower to load as the site got larger / the options increased. I have now returned to a more simple menuing system, using only minimal but not mandatory javascript. It works for me and hopefully for you too. Its a bit of a handful to maintain but at least it has minimal overheads.  However as time rolls on I'm finding more uses for javascript as a result it is appearing on quite a few pages now, if only to assist moving around the pages, sections etc. so I may try another attempt at a script based menu if only for the ease of maintenance. In the meantime hopefully this current layout is straight forward enough for you not to get lost, but if you do, what the heck, you might come across something interesting.
Where the menu options have become too plentiful, I have 'collapsed' the main options (usually the first two lines of the menu). This is displayed in a collapsed state (not visible) by default. There is a provision to expand the menu using either the plus symbol Pplus Symbol, located in the first visible menu option, or the text located at the bottom of the menu. If you do not have javascript enabled then the full menu will be displayed by default.


Some or All of the following icons may be seen at the foot of each page.
html 4.01 strict Validated to HTML 4.01 Strict.
html 4.01 strict Validated to CSS 2.1.
html 4.01 strict Validated to a minimum of 1.2.

Suggestions for additional content, comments about presentation are always most welcome.
I hope you enjoy your visit.
Thank you.
Neil MacPherson

Last Update: 04/08/2008 - General Information Paragraph Details - Neils Web Pages 2004 - 2007